Alright alright, i know!I got it pre-done in a box, it's my own fault it was soaked in vinegar and whatever else you want to rub in my face! Plus the annoying fact I was stupid enough to let it stain my hands, although I suppose that didn't matter since I went on to tie dye some sheets purple after this.
I must admit it was pretty exciting mixing the beetroot, garlic and onions in and for the rice to take on this colour. Not going to lie, I felt like I was about to eat princess food...
To avoid the risotto breaking or getting too dry i added 4 tablespoons of soya cream and 4 tablespoons of Tofutti cream cheese. There was still that slight hint of vinegar but it went just right! This was also ready in 20 minutes, unlike the 1 hour or so it usually takes to do risotto.
Looks yummy! Nothing wrong with princess food (and just in time for breast cancer awareness month)!